The News You’ve All Been Waiting For…

Howdy folks! A big change has happened to my blogosphere. I have gotten my own website! In other terms, I am finally riding a big girl two-wheeler. The training wheels have come off.

So from now on, I’ll be posting my new and exciting flavors weekly to . I hope you’ll all stop on over and check it out. I’ve been working on it all week and have pushed aside some lab report work for it. If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to get an email every time I post a new flavor. Thanks for your undying support. This is such a dream for me and I am thrilled that you are all joining me.

XOXO Alanna Rose

P.S. Don’t forget: See ya there!


Polaris Ice Cream


Another week has gone by. But this was not like the others. If you live in the Northeast, you know we had a spring day with a temperature of 64 and a snow day the next. It was a week that had everybody’s favorite things in it. A little warmth and a little ice, best of both worlds.

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